
Pmingliu chinese font style
Pmingliu chinese font style

pmingliu chinese font style pmingliu chinese font style pmingliu chinese font style

What that means is that if you declare your Chinese fonts before your English fonts, any English-language computer that has the standard Chinese font faces installed will display English characters using Chinese fonts, and let’s be honest, English letters in Chinese font families are fugly. Example: font-family: Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, 'Microsoft Yahei','微软雅黑', STXihei, '华文细黑', sans-serif Declare English target fonts before Chinese target fonts I’m sure someone’s come up with a standardized rule on this, but I’ve never seen one, so here’s mine: always declare all your target English fonts first.īecause English language fonts do not contain the glyphs for Chinese characters, but Chinese fonts do contain a-z characters. What this does is help reference the font file regardless of weather it’s been stored in the local system under its Chinese or western name – you’re covering all your bases here. Everything I’ve written here is the fruit of my own experiments and tests, so if you notice something I’ve missed, do write me a note at First things first: What are the standard simplified Chinese web fonts? Windows OS X 黑体:SimHei 冬青黑体: Hiragino Sans GB NEW FOR SNOW LEOPARD 宋体:SimSun 华文细黑:STHeiti Light STXihei 新宋体:NSimSun 华文黑体:STHeiti 仿宋:FangSong 华文楷体:STKaiti 楷体:KaiTi 华文宋体:STSong 仿宋GB2312:FangSongGB2312 华文仿宋:STFangsong 楷体GB2312:KaiTiGB2312 微软雅黑体:Microsoft YaHei as of Win7 Good Rules for Using Chinese fonts in CSS Use the Chinese characters, and also spell out the font name When declaring a Chinese font family, it’s typically a good idea to type out the romanization of the font (for example, “SimHei”) and declare the Chinese characters as a separate font in the same declaration. Since days of searching have brought me no closer to answering my most pressing Chinese font questions, I bit the bullet and sat down to do some testing and write up my own guide in English for Western web and UI designers targeting users in China (yeah, all three of us). You must be on Microsoft Windows 10 and have Chinese language pack for China/Taiwan installed for all fonts to show.JChinese Standard Web Fonts: A Guide to CSS Font Family Declarations for Web Design in Simplified Chinese Massive Google fail. Microsoft Windows 10 as of, with Chinese language pack for China+Taiwan installed. Microsoft JhengHei is default for Traditional Chinese.Microsoft YaHei is the default font for Chinese that does not specify region or style.

Pmingliu chinese font style